As a man thinketh (about his money)...
10 viewpoints about money that determine it's role in our lives!
King Solomon, regarded in scriptures as the wisest man who ever lived wrote succinctly, “for as he thinketh in his heart, so he is…” (Proverbs 23:7 KJV). Character, therefore comes from the ideas, thoughts, and conceptions developed within an individual, but planted from the external stimuli of the world. Human beings become a composite of who they associate with, what they view, what they hear, and feel. One’s thoughts determine a myriad of results in life’s offerings. Good or bad things happen because of someone’s perception of the situation that has appeared. This is true whether one is male or female, child or adult, and wealthy or poverty stricken. Thinking affects how people interact with other people, how they see the world, how they use resources, and how they use currency to make transactions.
Money is a tool, by itself it is neutral. However, when animated it can used for both the nefarious and virtuous purposes. It works like a knife which can be used for life saving surgery, or to maim and kill someone. A person’s true character is magnified by the money they possess and what they do with it. How a person looks at money reveals much of his/her personality. A jerk with lots of money is still a jerk, while a charitable, compassionate person acts in the same regard, with cash or not. Money only increases the malevolence or benevolence of the individual.
Matching up with any number of the following viewpoints should help identify how a person sees money.
1) Money is a Mystery! Why do some people have it, and others do not? Why does it seem to flow towards certain individuals, and percolate through the hands of others? Understanding the very basics about how the system works will enhance the likelihood of earning more!
2) Money is a Master! “I owe, I owe, it’s off to work I go!” Such are the proverbial dwarves slaving day in and day out to keep the bill collectors at bay. Money rules life, dictates time, and oppresses working citizens.
3) Money is a Monster! Husbands and wives are constantly at odds with each other. There’s always an altercation. She wants security and protection, he wants opportunity, and procurement. There isn’t enough to go around and tensions rise, often to detriment of the household.
4) Money is a Major! Rather than the beautiful things life has to offer, money becomes the primary focus in life. Time is spent in acquisition of more money. People neglect their friends, family, and free time to work and horde, but never enjoy the things that can be used with money. They become as the infamous Scrooge prior to visiting Marley in a Christmas Carol.
5) Money is a Motivator! This is the beginning of understanding. What can money buy? What can be done with this tool? Who can be helped? How can the family flourish? Are there investment opportunities? This positive cognition for money drives the ambitious to solve the world’s problems.
6) Money is a Manipulator! Influence is a good thing if used correctly, but when money is used to control others as an incentive or punishment for behavior, then it can become divisive and cruel. “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions”, it has been said, nevertheless governments, banks, and corporations use influence and persuasion to build the societies they desire with the lucre they acquire.
7). Money is a Minimizer! Many people hit a plateau once they reach a certain income level, or net worth. They often limit their full potential. The complacency results in lost opportunities, or failure to achieve beyond one’s own imagination. There is no need to work, or provide value to the world. Every dream has been reached.
8) Money is a Maximizer! With enough resources a person is able to magnify their purpose. They are able to be more charitable, or more philanthropic. There is no obstacle to their desires. They are able to give as benefactors to humanity as they see fit. As money multiplies their contributions increase.
9) Money is a Monument! Success is flaunted. Accolades are worshipped. Prominence is expected. Humility becomes a lost virtue.
10) Money is a Menace! The road into darkness is enticing. Lasciviousness and debauchery can be purchased at any price. Money is a tool for self-pleasure and easily used for unrighteous purposes.
The manner in which a person conceptualizes financial tools imposes how they use it. There are good uses and detrimental uses. Affluence appears when the invitation is written, it hides when money is alienated in thought. When money is respected it multiplies, when disfavored it divides. The love of money is the root of all evil, not just money itself. It was the wisdom of Solomon to acknowledge how thoughts make the man, the tools man works with augments his outcome.